
IWSS is an all-round consultancy, project-, interim management and service agency in the field of environment and (waste) water management

About me

I was born 18 October 1974 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, now living together and I have two children.

In 2000 I Graduated with a BSc in Environmental Technology at “HAS Den Bosch” Higher Agricultural Education. With specialization in (waste)water technologies.

At the end of 2004, I started IWSS (international Water Services Schrover)


If I summarize various talents analyzes then the following comes to the fore:

“I am a person with a mind to innovate and must be able to work in a mentally challenging and stimulating environment. good at solving complex problems or introducing new ideas. Attracted by work that requires intellectual effort. Must be in a place where I can use my extraverted talents. I Love to develop personal initiatives, and I am not afraid to take up a challenge. ”

My core competencies, innovation, High-stress resistance, networking skills, empathy, team player, creativity to devise solutions for problems.


Current Partners & Clients


  • Terra Agric International – https://terraagric.com/
    • Responsible for project management of integrated environmental and water management for the entire agricultural chain;
    • Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • Omgevingsdienst Haaglanden ( Regional Implementation Service) – https://omgevingsdiensthaaglanden.nl/ – licensing authority for soil energy systems

Past Dutch Clients


Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Department of Waterways and Public Works):

  • Regional district West-Netherlands South
  • Regional district East-Netherland

Department of Waterways and Public Works (Dutch: Rijkswaterstaat) is the executive agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management in the Netherlands. They are responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands. This includes the main road network, the main waterway network and water systems (including flood protection and prevention).


  • Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland – https://www.rijnland.net
  • Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier –http://www.hhnk.nl/
  • Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden – http://www.hdsr.nl/
  • Waterschap Rijn & IJssel – http://www.wrij.nl/
  • Waterschap Vechtstromen – https://www.vechtstromen.nl/
  • Waterboard Aa en Maas – http://www.aaenmaas.nl/

Water Boards (Dutch: waterschappen or hoogheemraadschappen) are decentralized (regional) public water authorities in the Netherlands with a self-supporting financial system and legal powers in controlling local and regional water management. They are responsible for water safety (flood control), water quantity, water quality and treatment of urban wastewater. Operational tasks include the management of pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, maintenance of waterways and flood defence structures. Water Boards are embedded in the general democratic structures.

Regional Implementation Service:

  • DCMR – https://www.dcmr.nl/
  • ORDN – https://www.odregionijmegen.nl/
  • ODR – https://www.odrivierenland.nl/

Regional implementation service ( Dutch : RUD, Regionale uitvoeringsdienst) are decentralized (regional) indirectly appointed authorities in the Netherlands. RUD are commissioned by municipalities and provinces, for enviromenal law : licensing, monitoring and enforcement (VTH) tasks.

Consulting agencies:

RoyalHaskoningDHV – https://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/

Construction/ Civil Engineering companies:

  • CT-Plus


  • Aurubis Netherlands BV – http://www.aurubis.nl/about-aurubis/company/aurubis-netherlands-b.v
  • AFB International location Netherlands – http://afbinternational.com/
  • Remondis Aqua BV te Wageningen – http://www.remondis-aqua.com/en/aq/home/
  • PureAir Solutions –http://www.pureairsolutions.nl/en/site/pure_air_solutions
  • e-Water Group BV, Echt
